The root cause of erectile dysfunction
Erectile dysfunction, whats the cause?
Have you been looking for the root cause of your erectile dysfunction or have you just been swallowing pills that the doctors gave you and hoping for the best.
The problem with pills and medical treatments like Testosterone therapy is that they do not address the underlying issue.
once off medication/treatment - erectile dysfunction and low testosterone is around the corner waiting for you.
So whats the cause?
A lot of research and testing has been done to men with Erectile dysfunction and the majority of the results concluded that most men with erectile dysfunction have these following conditions in common.
- Blood sugar problems
- High blood pressure
- Heart issues
It is not uncommon to see men having more than one underlying issues mentioned above thus resulting in erectile dysfunction.
Lets fight it 💪
So now we know what is the most common root cause of erectile dysfunction now we can start our plan of attack.
The first step of attack is by exercising and loosing weight - by loosing weight we can reduce the arterial thickness.
The less plaque in the arterial walls the lower the blood pressure you will have.
Have a workout plan and be consistent to notice results.
The second step is having a healthy diet.
Try to maintain a clean diet to lower your blood sugar levels.
So before you start taking medication or any treatments try attacking the root cause of your erectile dysfunction. get your blooded tested - exercise - loose weight - eat healthy - watch your erections come alive.